Press Release / Education / Learn oxygen to enhance your automation testing process |covered in an automation testing course
Learn oxygen to enhance your automation testing process |covered in an automation testing course
By yashrathod on July 22 2020 | 539 Views
The need for another framework? Covered in an automation testing course
Learn oxygen to enhance your automation testing process |covered in an automation testing course
The need for another framework? Covered in an automation testing course
An automation testing course would tell you that there are an abundance of developer-oriented frameworks like JUnit, NUnit, MSTest. But, these frameworks are very difficult for QA engineers to work on as their concentration is on unit testing. Also, these developer-centric tools can also be tough to incorporate with UI functional and API testing. Learn about this in detail in an automation testing course.
A gap felt in testing tools for quality assurance
An automated testing course would tell one that testers felt that there are some present frameworks which are easy for UI testing. Yet, they may not be right for comprehensive integration testing. furthermore, developers feel that there are plenty of development frameworks that are not suitable for UI testing and classical QA engineering. To put it in simple words, the professionals at oxygen felt a huge gap in QA testing processes. Therefore, they wanted to equip QA such that it is adaptable to CI/CD processes. And so, they developed Oxygen in perspective of the huge group of users, developers, QA engineers, DevOps, and even IT for production monitoring. Students can learn more about such testing processes in an automated testing course.
The two parts of oxygen covered in an automated testing course
An automated testing course would tell one about the two parts of oxygen. They are:
- The first part is where it can be used as a simple framework. Developers can just take their favorite IDE and use it just like any other library.
- The second part is that of the Oxygen IDE. This IDE portion enables for less skilled or less technical people to be able to record tests out of the box, and to debug tests without the need to write compilation-based languages or architecture.
What is the programming language used in Oxygen?
An automated testing course would tell one that this framework doesn’t require a programming language. Yet, Oxygen applies a hybrid, keyword-type approach to script creation. Apart from that, it has elected JavaScript for its framework language.
To conclude, this particular framework is created in order to close the gap that is created by other testing techniques and processes. Thus, it would be beneficial to learn the basics as well as advanced concepts of this testing technique.
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